NO WARNINGS!. Marine Weather Forecast – Solomon Islands Meteorological Services

Meteorological Division | Solomon Islands Government

Marine Weather Forecast

Marine forecast issued by the Solomon Islands Meteorological Service and valid for the next 24 hours from 4:00pm this afternoon on Wednesday, 22 January 2025.

General Situation
A general easterly wind flow persist over the country.

Marine Warnings

Forecast for the Western Region (Western, Choiseul and Isabel provinces)
Northeast to east winds at 05 to 15 knots with smooth to slight seas. Low northerly swells over waters north of Isabel and Choiseul. Isolated showers and thunderstorms. Further Outlook for Friday: Northeast winds at 05 to 15 knots and low northeast swells over waters north of Isabel and Choiseul.

Forecast for the Central Region (Malaita, Guadalcanal and Central provinces)
Northeast to east winds at 05 to 15 knots with smooth to slight seas. Low northerly swells over waters north of Malaita. Isolated showers and thunderstorms. Further Outlook for Friday: Northeast winds at 05 to 15 knots and low northeast swells over waters north of Malaita.

Forecast for the Eastern Region (Makira, Temotu and Rennell/Bellona provinces)
Northeast to east winds at 05 to 15 knots with slight seas and low northerly swells. Scattered showers and thunderstorms. Further Outlook for Friday: Northeast winds at 05 to 15 knots and low northerly swells.

Forecast for Honiara port & surrounding areas
Northeast to east winds at 05 to 12 knots with smooth seas. Fine apart from a few showers and isolated thunderstorms. Further Outlook for Friday: Northeast winds at 05 to 12 knots.

Tidal Prediction for Honiara
Low tide will be at 12:37am after midnight tonight (0.31m)
High tide will be at 10:18am tomorrow morning (0.82m)

Tidal Prediction for Lata
Low tide will be at 5:15pm this afternoon (0.72m)
High tide will be at 11:11am tomorrow morning (1.15m)

Tidal Prediction for Taro
High tide will be at 6:08pm this evening (0.83m)
Next low tide will be at 01:03am early tomorrow morning (0.53m)

The next update will be issued at 7:00am tomorrow morning.

Marine forecasts for coastal waters up to 60 nautical miles (nm) sea ward
Term Wave/sea height Term Wave/sea heights
smooth seas 1 – 2 ft (0.3 – 0.6 m) moderate seas 5 – 8 ft, (1.5 – 2.5 m)
Slight seas 2 – 5 ft (0.6 – 1.5 m) rough seas 11 –12ft (2.5 – 3.5 m)
Low swells= 0-2 m (6 ft) moderate swells =2 – 4 m (6 – 13 ft) heavy swells = over 4 m (over 13 ft)
Wind speeds quoted are the expected average speeds. Individual gusts may exceed these values by a factor of up to 1.5.
Wave heights are significant wave height, which may be accompanied by individual waves 1.5 to 2.0 times higher. Be aware that these estimates of wind waves/swells do not take into account the enhancing effects of the local sea currents

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